Windsurfing and Kayaking

Wind Surfing El Nido

El Nido isn’t the first place that comes to mind when you mention windsurfing but there are a few guys that give it a go here. The bay is protected and the wind is not usually that strong but its a great place to learn how to do it. Windsurfing gear can be rented from [...]

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Majika Lodge

majika lodge coron

The Majika Lodge located above the Western Union office is the best value that I found in Coron. The downtown location is so handy and they had a parking garage below for my bike. Single rooms are 250 pesos per nite and the doubles go for 350. They are basic rooms with shared restrooms or [...]

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KoKosNuss Garden Resort

kokosnuss staff

KoKosNuss Gardens is on the outskirts of Coron on the way to the airport. The grounds are spacious and lay out is interesting. They have some budget nipas with a common cr and some more deluxe accommodation. The restaurant area is especially nice with two big fish tanks and wi-fi connection. There is a clean [...]

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Safari Park

Safari Park

Wildlife park in Coron One of the strangest sights you can come across in the Philippines, is the giraffes and zebras running free in the Safari Park on Calauit Island in the Busuanga chain. Busuanga is famous for its scuba diving and snorkeling but there are other things to check out too. Patrick from Manila [...]

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Zaragosa Inn Long Beach

zaragosa inn

The Zaragosa Inn is a hidden jewel for the odd traveler that has a lot of time on his hands and wants to hang his hat and relax for a month or two. I stumbled across this place when riding my motorbike down to Long Beach near San Vicente. I as was surprised to se [...]

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Picardal Lodge


The Picardal Lodge is the best place to stay in San Vicente. Nelita is a kind and accommodating host and makes your stay very comfortable. The Picardal is on the hill just across from the new market building. Phone 0920 476 4854 ,  0919 239 2224 Several cottages complete with balconies have been built into [...]

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Taylelong Pension

fort tay tay cannon

Tay Tay was a  fort back in the day under Spanish rule. It has been well maintained and is open to the public for tours. For some reason Tay Tay is not on the travelers circuit in Palawan. If you rent a motorcycle or car this is an ideal place to rest for the night [...]

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Island Hopping in El Nido

Island Hopping in El Nido

Going island hopping in El Nido is one of the most enjoyable ways to spend the day. You can go out all day, swim on several remote beaches, have lunch and be back in El Nido in time for dinner – all for less than 20USD. The tourist association plans the tours well. A boatman [...]

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El Busero Inn

el busero inn

The El Busero Inn on the beach  is in a great location and seems to be a good value. Pitong, the manager and bartender, is one of he happiest guys I ever met. He used to have the Gingers Cave Bar on the beach in front of this resort but when his lease ran out [...]

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Villa Evergreen Restaurant

port barton restaurant

The Villa Evergreen Restaurant has good food at a good price. It is kitty corner to Judy’s Resto Bar but has a quieter setting. They seem to get a steady flow of customers. I only ate there one time and Lita did a good job on the chicken. Her husband Walter was involved with scuba [...]

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