Ka Lui Restaurant

Ka Lui's Restaurant

Ka Lui's Restaurant

Ka Lui’s Restaurant in Puerto Princesa is likely the best restaurant in  Palawan if not the entire country.

The ambiance is nice and the food is outstanding. The staff here have a friendly attitude and it makes eating here a memorable experience.

The seafood is done to perfection.

Ka Lui Restaurant

Tuna Steak

There will be no surprises when you get the bill. Everything is  good value.

Ka Lui is closed on Sunday but opens at 6pm on on the other days. Reservations can be made and recommended especially if you have a large party.

reservation 048 433 2580

Ka Lui’s has a funky bamboo decor and you leave your shoes at the door.

Ka Lui Restaurant

Seafood Platter at Ka Lui

The seafood platters are a super value.

(My mouth is watering as I write this page).

Ka Lui is on Rizal St or the road that parallels the airport. Every tricycle driver knows where it is.

They are open from 6pm 11pm  for dinner and 11am to 2pm for lunch.

Don’t forget that they are closed Sundays.

It is best to make a reservation 048 433 2580 – otherwise you night not get seated.

Ka Lui Restaurant

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