Rizal is not a place that many foreigners choose to go. I like it back there but it is a hotbed of malaria so be sure to use a mosquito net if you plan to stay there. I stayed at the Tue Cut Pension House – a wonderful place to spend the night for 100 [...]
Full Story »Melville Lighthouse Balabac
The Melville lighthouse stands watch on the lonely southern coast of Balabac Island. It takes a bit of work to get there but it was very well worth the time to me. I suggest taking a full week to make the round trip from Puerto Princesa, the capital of Palawan. You can not actually see [...]
Full Story »Rio Tuba Palawan
Rio Tuba the port town on the southern end of Palawan Island. The ferries to Balabac leave from here and the Rio Tinto mining ore barges leave from here too. These ore carriers bring nickle ore loaded in huge bags to large ocean carrying freighters anchored outside the bay in deeper water. The town has [...]
Full Story »Starting in Balabac
Balabac is one of the southern most islands in the Palawan archipelago. It is most unusual to find tourists here but I suppose anything is possible. There are no tourist facilities here whatsoever with the possible exception of the JD Lodging house upstairs of the Sing and Swing karaoke bar. The biggest point of interest [...]
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